A Day at the Capitol: Cruelty Free Science Day  

By Andrew Obeng | March 21st, 2024

On March 7th, our Toxicology Policy team leader, Dr. Paul Locke, Hopkins doctoral student Breanne Kincaid, and post-doctoral student Itzy Erin Morales Pantoja, presented their research at a Capitol Hill briefing hosted by Cruelty Free International. The event served to highlight current initiatives and research that promises to minimize the utilization of animal models. There was much to see with individual tables with informational posters including one by Mikalah Singer and Dr. Paul Locke examining how the NIH can advance scientific research by shifting away from the animal model standard. Breanne presented her work exploring the effects of industrial metal exposure on brain microphysiological systems while Itzy presented hers on using brain microphysiological system to study neurodegeneration. 

Also on display was an actual organ-on-a-chip alongside information from a number of biotech companies actively developing alternative methods., Additionally, dogs rescued from the Envigo Research Facility where there to welcome and entertain the guests.  

Overall, the event was a rousing success with a respectable turnout from congressmen, staffers, and the public. Thank you to everyone who attended the event and Cruelty Free International for hosting. 

The views expressed do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Johns Hopkins University or Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.


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